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How to setup a development environment

Below is a step-by-step mini-guide for setting up a local development environment. 1. clone LiuAlgoTrader:

git clone

This would create a folder LiuAlgoTrader with the platform code, pointing to the master branch. 2. create a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv liuenv
  1. update pip to latest version:
pip install -U pip

This would create a folder liuenv.

  1. activate the virtualenv:
source liuenv/bin/activate
  1. install the packages required for development:
pip install -r LiuAlgoTrader/liualgotrader/requirements/dev.txt

This step would download and install the latest packages required for the development. Note that master is the latest development branch. It may not be the most stable version. The latest stable version could be pulled from the latest tagged version.

  1. If you have not yet set up a local database:
python LiuAlgoTrader/liualgotrader/liu quickstart

Follow these instructions on using the quickstart wizard (note that step 1 should be omitted).

  1. You may with to add LiuAlgoTrader folder to your PYTHONPATH


Special thanks to the below individuals for their comments, reviews and suggestions: